I initially felt that Sarah should write this post but since I am bored and have nothing better to occupy myself with at the moment, ah what the heck. Pardon me if it's not too good but well, here goes nothing...
Bruneians do recycle. Bottles, tin cans and paper? Nope, I'm not talking about that kind of recycling. What I'm talking about is recycling.... boyfriends/girlfriends. Tadaa~ If you know you're going to hate this post then go ahead and click on the tiny 'x' but if you find yourself nodding and grinning then hey... Keep on reading man.
From my understanding, this kind of recycling is something like this...
A group of friends consist of 4 girls and 4 boys. Sooner or later, they will hook up with each other and after 2 months at most, they will break up and then... Hook up with another person within the group. Ooh, this should be a permutation and combination question. How many different pairs of lovers can be formed within the group? Haha, okay... Geek talk.
And that my friends... is recycling. It's not uncommon to meet a girl and find out that she is your friend's ex, your brother's ex, your cousin's ex, your neighbour's ex and your driver's ex. I mean, come on people. I know Brunei is small but heck, it's not THAT small! This happens a lot in school so yeah, it's hard to find someone who doesn't have a whole list of ex-s tailing behind them.
In my opinion, this whole phenomenon is probably caused by the teenagers' mentality that you simply must be in a relationship to be cool or popular, thus they are driven into the arms of a person they barely know. It's sad... So sad.