MY company Ganaka Engineers Architect,Mumbai,India.offers Technical Advisory Services on..
Green Buildings-Reinforced Masonry Construction Method
I would like to introduce one such building construction system which
may change the total scenario of construction business in near future.
This building system can put a great role in making Green Buildings,
Eco-friendly homes, Hotel, Slum Re-development, Transit Camp.
It’s called Reinforced Masonry or C.M.U.,or Reinforced Concrete Block
Masonry.(R.C.B.) Hope you must have heard about this or else to know
more please visit our web site.
1)R. C.C.type of construction was taught by British & we are following
Beam & Column type of construction for the last hundred years or so in
2) R. C. C. building needs repairs within 15 years of construction.
Not that anything is wrong with R. C. C. but there is more scope to
use inferior material & workmanship in R.C.C.& hence need for early
3)Our Forts, Old buildings V. T. Station. Municipal Bldg., Palaces,
Towers are generally constructed by Stone Masonry load bearing method
& have stood for hundreds of years without any major repair work.
4)The same load bearing technology has been further developed in
U.S.A.& is called R.C.B. which is Speedy, Sturdy, Simple, Durable,
Eco-Friendly also saves 20%in construction cost. Called
R.C.B./Reinforced Masonry.
5)R. C.B. is a proven method of construction with millions of
buildings being built by this way in the world.
6) 300 buildings are built by R. in India & U.S.A. by us.
7)Eco-friendly as it SAVES
100%bricks,50%steel+shuttering,40%concrete,25%utility bill.
So R.C.B./C.M.U./Reinforced Masonry is Eco-friendly,
Advantages of shear wall R.C.B. method of construction
A)Economy : As steel, cement,shuttering, concrete & Labor required is
almost half & due to simplicity of construction & speed minimum saving
is Rs. 200/- per sq. ft.
B)Fire Proof : Due to concrete block & 3" cover to steel, rusting is
minimized & such buildings are fire & bomb last proof.
C)Durable : Concrete blocks are attractive, durable and have excellent
thermal, acoustic properties. No repair like R.C.C. is needed in every
ten years.
D)Earthquake: Load bearing concrete blocks can be designed to be wind,
earthquake resistant too.
E)Speed: No heavy equipment needed on site, less form-work, less steel
so construction is simple, speedier & hence economical.
E)Architecture: Ancient type of architectural elevation is also
possible by R.C.B type of construction.
R.C.B. Users
Govt. of Gujrat
Lodha, Unity const.
Bhojwani const.
Royal hotel
Ganaka motel
Arch. Bhatnagar
Arch. Chavathe
Arch. Kudalkar
Arch Premnath
◊ 8"X8"X16" concrete blocks
with two holes are laid one upon another by staggered joint.
○ Verticle reinforcement is placed through these holes & those holes are grouted.
□ No column,No beam just shear wall & slab staircase is by R.C.C.
▫ Foundation is simple R.C.C.wall footing.
Considering durability, speed, simplicity & saving this R.C.B
construction is particularly suited for housing, slum project, transit
camp, schools, hospital, hotel, bungalow & industrial projects.
Note : the concrete blocks used here are load bearing blocks of
strength 40,000 kg per blocks & NOT local blocks
* Awaiting for your comments
Ganesh Kamat
B.E.(civil),Mumbai.M.S.(U.S.A.) B.Y.U., Utah,
30 years in construction Industry
Technical Adviser for Ganaka Engineers Architect
( 91-9820867755, 022-24306030