Anthony Davis (#1 NBA Draft Pick) Proudly Trademarks His Unibrow

Anthony Davis, the NBA’s #1 Draft Pick, is proud of his unibrow … so much so, that he has had it trademarked.

His friends and family, and even his teammates, have urged him to cut the hair between his eyebrows … but Davis, who can be spotted pretty quickly in a line-up with that massive unibrow of his, has embraced his look, having trademarked the phrases “Fear the Brow” and “Raise the Brow” earlier this month, according to CNBC.

“I don’t want anyone to try to grow a unibrow because of me and then try to make money off of it,” the 19-year-old NBA player said. “Me and my family decided to trademark it because it’s very unique … everyone’s talking about it.”

Davis, who was selected Thursday (Jun 28) as the top pick by the New Orleans Hornets in the 2012 NBA Draft, continued, “Seems there is no point in other guys making money off what’s yours, so I thought it would be a great idea, and we decided to go through with it.”

Davis said his agent is already working on getting him endorsements, and his newly trademarked unibrow will “most definitely” be a part of his media pitches. “Unless I cut it off,”he added.

[CNBC, AOL Sporting News]

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