They say backstabbing is bad. They say backstabbing is being a fake, two-faced, hypocritical bitch, and that the action is simply MEAN.

I disagree.

Before I go any further, I would like to apologise in advance if I hurt anyone's feelings, and to state that this entire post is based on my opinions alone. You may disagree, but I don't honestly give a damn.

To backstab is to talk of the faults of others behind their backs. In popular malay terms, this act is known as 'mengumpat'.

Everywhere, I hear people say that they hate backstabbers, or two-faced bitches, but I honestly, honestly say that I have never met a person who has never backstabbed a person in their lives.

Yes kamu, I backstab too.

And so do you. Jangantah eksen.

Anyway, point of this post. I don't think that backstabbing is entirely bad, actually. Because I know that different people have different opinions about things. So to me, backstabbing is just a way of voicing out their opinions on a certain person, without intending to hurt that person with their comments.

(Backstabbing is different from spreading ugly rumours)

Dapan-dapan, the backstabber is nice to the backstabbee, and doesn't do things to intentionally hurt him/her. In my opinion, I'd rather pretend I like you, rather than hate you and pick a fight with you in front of everyone else. Because if I backstab a person, it doesn't necessarily mean that I hate him/her; I just dislike some of his/her qualities. Even if I backstab about her (yes, pakai 'her' saja because I bitch about girls more than I do guys, lol), it does not indicate that I want to embarrass her and ruin her life! Inda jua ku sampai hati.

I guess I don't really mind if people backstab about me because I do the same to them. So they don't like you much. So what? Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. You're not perfect, you can't please everyone. Guess what? They're not perfect either. So rather than hold back your acidic opinions, why not confide in someone you trust? And kamu, if someone shares their bitchy comments about others with you, jangantah cari pasal kan menyampaikan those words to the person. Traitors are worse than backstabbers.

So what do you think?

Agatah bitching pasal aku and my inability to susun ayat properly (: Kirim salam ia, bitching partner mu ah.


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