We're tired of unappreciative custards. So us Panatzorists would like to introduce the 'Feel-good' project which is aimed at making you more appreciative of the wonderful (yes, wonderful) life you are living, and also to make you less suicidal and depressed.
So what's it about?
It's simple. All you have to do is write up a post about what you believe to be your positive qualities, and the things you appreciate in life. Don't be falsely humble and say, "but I don't have any positive qualities!" Please. We all know that's not true; there's something beautiful in everyone.
There are no limits to this post. It can contain only one good trait about yourself, or even two million good qualities. It's entirely up to you. You can add on to the list from time to time. So whenever you're feeling depressed, suicidal, and want to give up, turn to your 'feel-good' post and be reminded of the things which make you smile, and hopefully you'll realise how valuable your life really is.
Other people won't be able to judge the contents of your 'feel-good' post because hey, it's your blog and your opinion. As long as you don't put other people down in the process, your post will only serve to show how much you love yourself, and how awesomely confident you are. Those who judge are just jealous losers =)
Oh, and if you don't have a blog/are too embarrassed to post it up, you can just write it in your diary (or a piece of scrap paper even) and keep it somewhere safe and easily accessible so you can read it whenever you feel like it =)
We encourage everyone to take part in this project; it is fun, and it may save your life.
p/s: make sure to link this post in your 'feel-good' post so others can read and take part. Oh, and tag us with your link if you've done it, thanks! =D