Nah ko Wan. Pasal kau buat aku guilty.

Well, inda pulang.

I had this major weird dream the other night. I was in a chem tuition class even though I'm not a chem student; I was just there pasal aku ho and aku suka rakat sama boyfriendku who happened to be this cina tagap tinggi lampai yang aku nampak bellybuttonnya saja.

Skali kan.

Ada announcement arah PA system menyuruh aku naik ke atas to 'the balcony'. Then I was like, "INDAKUMAU. AKU MAU SAMA BOYFRIENDKU CINA!" Tapi kana pajal so I had to go jua. Turns out, this certain prince of Brunei mau aku dangani ia belajar, so I agreed lah, pasal aku pussy kan say no to a royalty member like a typical Bruneian. I won't say siapa that prince pasal karang ada tia KDN bunuh aku.

We got close in that dream. He was younger than me so he looked up to me like a sister. Ia baiikkkkk brabis dalam mimpiku, but he was an asshole to other people. Arah ku saja ia baik (prasan much?). Then kami jadi macam siblings. Sampai aku introduce ia arah my friends jua, and Aisah came to hang out at the istana with me.

But then ada this scene with Aisah being a slut pasal cousinnya ada. macam apakan? She wore panties and a corset. saja.

The dream ends with me being in a romantic relationship with the prince. Ada x-rated scenes jua. Seronok besar.

But it's disgusting how we were 'siblings' first then 'lovers'. That count as incest?

Anyway, the true aim behind this post is that I wrote a poem inspired by that dream. Jangan plagiarise ah. Don't be a copypussy.

Romeo and Rebecca

There was this legend about a girl,
She had a secret unknown to the world,
She was madly in love with a fine fellow,
Her name was Rebecca and Adam was her Romeo.

Rebecca’s the least person you’d expect,
To be with Adam; someone so perfect,
Because she’s kind of awkward, and a whole lot strange,
Whereas Adam was flawless; nothing could be changed.

However, they were madly in love,
A feeling so passionate, it shook the heavens above,
Just one look into each other’s eyes,
Would send them flying beyond the skies.

You may ask why their romance is kept a secret,
The thing is, Adam’s a prince, so you better zip it,
He’s a real prince of royal descent,
But Rebecca’s just a loser, someone non-existent.

The king wouldn’t like it, neither would the queen,
So they had to meet in secret, without being seen,
They would meet at night, in the strangest places,
Like somewhere in the woods, without familiar faces.

Rebecca’s always being laughed at when she’s in school,
Adam’s the opposite; he’s known for being cool,
He’s a real jerk though, but only to others,
Rebecca, he’ll treat like a goddess.

Though he’s an asshole, people bow at his feet,
Just because he’s a prince, his orders they heed,
With Rebecca, he’ll be completely different,
He’ll be nice and sweet, and never petulant.

One day, Rebecca’s bullying got a bit too much,
Her clothes were torn off and her private parts touched,
Everyone just watched, cheering and laughing,
Then they left her there, limp and crying.

That night, Adam consoled her,
And asked her to be with him forever,
Rebecca was ecstatic, and jumped jubilantly,
She answered ‘yes’ almost immediately.

The next day, Rebecca’s mother got the shock of her life,
Because she found Rebecca, Adam’s new wife,
Motionless and cold, lying on the bed,
It was far too late; Rebecca was dead.

She overdosed from sleeping pills,
It surely wasn’t against her will,
Prince Adam wanted Rebecca forever, so it’s seems,
But ‘Romeo and Rebecca’ was just a delusional dream.

BAHAGIA KO WAN? apeh, angst :P

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