The first ever kali

I have an exam tomorrow and I haven't studied shit for that. I know I should study for that but something caught my eye this morning. I've been thinking a great deal about it. Even during classes and everyone knows how blasphemous that is for me because well. It's me, Nis. So anyway.

I'm not sure how to say it as, I don't know the word, politely as possible? Maybe I'm just deprived of poklen contacts but what's up with the major poklen hate? I mean, sure, we do make fun of them more than often right here but I don't think we ever got as far as HATING them.

This may seem like a post written with specific people in mind and I may have 455 people (It increases by the second. How exciting.) hating me after this but I have to do this.


They go "Oh my God. I hate poklens. I hope they catch wabak selesma khinzir and DIE." Then a few minutes later (or before), they'll say, "What is a poklen really?"

A lot of people have tried to define the word "poklen" but failed.

Poklens are annoying, poklens can't type, poklens listen to radios, poklens dress cawer and/or lanji, poklens suka shuffle, poklens prefer Friendster over Facebook, poklens punya English bida, poklens this, poklens that. Truth is, no one can really say what is a poklen and where poklen comes from.

Then how can you say you hate poklens?

You say that poklens think they're oh-so-cool. Do you think you're cool for hating something that no one really knows what it means? Are you just jumping the bandwagon?

For all we know, I could be a poklen. I listen to the radio. She could be a poklen. She dresses lanji-ly. He could be a poklen. He knows how to shuffle. You could be a poklen. You go to the mall often. We could be poklens. We think we know what poklens do and say. There's a little bit of poklen-ism in everyone of us.

It is a harsh reality to face but...anti-poklens. YOU are the POKLENS.

If you reject the above views because you KNOW what a poklen is and think what I just said is bullocks, I have another one. Try imagining a life without poklens. How is it? Idyllic? Stress-free?

You may think it is. But really think about it. Our lives will basically remain the same or turn for the worse.

We exist because poklens exist. Without poklens, we have no source of entertainment. Who are we going to mock? Retarded kids? That's just mean. At least with poklens being a complex issue in terms of its definition, we're not directly doing any harm to anyone. Nothing that I am aware of anyway.

Each country has their own little society that is like the kid in the every family that people try to ignore because s/he shoves crayons in his/her nose. It's part of life. But come on. What other country can say they have their own little community of spitfire-wearing individuals who like to shuffle and say "yaw"?

Do people tYp!Ng L!k3 D!$ really annoy you? Stop talking to poklens on MSN. Or stop going on MSN. Or Yahoo.

Does the word "Buiii" really bother you? Think of it as the malay version of "man" or "dude". Because it really is. How come people can say "dude" or "man" but not "bui"?

You can call me si taie (or even a poklen) for saying the things I've said. I know I'm at least a little bit right. Give me evidence to show that what I've said is wrong, I'll believe anything you say.

Sorry this whole post is all jumbled up. I had to leave it for some time and kind of forgot what the whole point was of the sentence was. Will recheck when I can and try to make more sense. ALSO. Esok exam.

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