Nis wrote one on this earlier on so I'd just like to add on.
Aight, I know we've been all.. "Hahaha bida jua orang poklen ani eh. Cawir... " But never in a million years would I consider myself to be an anti-poklen. Sure when we see them shuffling siring sungai we chuckle heartily to ourselves and we make fun of how they have all the time in the world 2 TeXt LyK DiZ BeB~
However, after months of being away from The land of unexpected treasures I kinda started to miss them boys in baggy spitfire T-shirts with their jeans so low it might as well be on their ankles. I miss walking around at The Mall and encountering a group of boys with their 'Buuuiiii's and 'Mateee pacah~' echoing against the walls putting on their karas face.
Quite frankly, they're all just like you and me. Take away the gerai gadong clothes, the bicycle parts blingage and remove the home made piercings and you've got a regular teen who just wants to have fun. Life in Brunei without these poklens would be horrendous. Brunei would not be what it is now and all of us would definitely not be who we have grown to be today.