Halle Berry just might get away with taking Nahla and fleeing to Paris

For all the black women out there fantasizing about shacking up and settle down with a white man in the hope that a relationship with a man devoid of pigmentation will be devoid of drama, let battle nasty janitorial Halle Berry with her ex-boyfriend and baby daddy Gabriel Aubry serve as an example: the grass is not always greener on the other side.

After public appearance together on numerous occasions looking like two Inseparable love birds, Gabriel's relationship soured soon after and Halle Berry gave birth to their daughter, Nahla.

And now that the two are fighting over custody, the mud slinging has become unbearable. Halle has accused his former lover to be abusive, both emotionally and verbally. She also claims that she has called a "ghetto n *** er".

Despite this, Halle was forced to pay her so-called abuser $ 240,000 per month in child support to Gabriel after the judge ruled in his favor. Aubry has, indeed, become Kevin Federline to Britney Spears.

In an attempt to escape all the baby daddy drama, Halle wants to cut all ties to United States and fled to France with his new white lover, Olivier Martinez.

Unlike battle of custody Tameka and Usher, Halle and Gabriel case is closed to the public, so juicy details are harder to find.

But the latest movements in case revolve around Halle petitioned the Court to allow her to move, with their daughter Nahla, in France. That just so happens to be where Martinez is from.

One of the reasons that Halle claims that she wants to take Nahla in France is because the paparazzi in France are bit more subdued than the vultures in Hollywood. At least that's the story that you are saying. And she joined his French boo Martinez for backing up his claims in court, as reported by TMZ.

Halle Berry has a secret witness, she is going to call to the stand to support his attempt to take Nahla in Paris — boyfriend Olivier Martinez.

Sources close to the case say TMZ ... Halle's lawyer asks Martinez — a famous actor — about his experience with the paparazzi in Paris. Martinez will say that photographers are much more respectful and less aggressive in Paris gay compared to their counterparts in the us.

Martinez will also discuss their living arrangement and his involvement with Nahla. He also tells the judge that Halle is a mother of class a.

If Martinez looks familiar, it's because she starred in blockbuster "Unfaithful", a bold film that helped to wet the panties of many a woman in 2002. He was also linked to Australian pop star Kylie Minogue for several years.

Regarding the poor Mr Aubry, according to TMZ, his case to prevent the move of Halle is falling apart just before his very eyes. One of his witnesses apparently blew up in court so bad that Halle's rebuttal witness was dismissed without ever having to take the stand.

... we were told baby daddy Gabriel Aubry is having trouble making his case. On Thursday, one of the expert witnesses of Halle left the courthouse quickly without testifying — he was there to thwart one of Gabriel's experts, but there was no need for a rebuttal to connect with Gabriel sources tell TMZ ... its kinda expert crashed and burned.

We think Gabriel only going to have to get used to those long-distance calls from Paris. That or you can look into relocating in France the same.

After all, he is French-Canadian, so it's not like the language would be a barrier and stack fall of Halle on him, so it's not like the money is a problem.

And Hello, fresh baguettes!

Sounds like a great deal for us. For real.

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