Restaurant gives discount woman for having the "best ass"

A woman who ordered a veggie Bowl and fried pickles was awarded a special two-cent discount from Texas-based burger chain Twisted Root Burger Company to have the "best butt" and being the "best looking."

Classy or creepy? "Actually she laughed about it, she was rather flattered," says Redditor caraficionado24 receipt recipient, which adds, being attractive has its advantages, it seems haha. [Gawker]

Apparently, the restaurant is known for its "shtick jokey service", as noted by For example, customers are often given nicknames by celebrities or cartoon character when ordering, and there are at least 20 or so goofy set server computer discounts can give, and "Best Butt" and "Best Looking" are among them.

"We have these random discounts we can give for fun", an alleged employee Twisted Root said in a comment on Reddit.

Hey, it could have been worse. They are called "lady chinky eyes", or something equally racist.

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